by FSEEE | Oct 22, 2016 | Dispatch
Last September, Forest Service officials approved a logging project that carved a 30-mile-long, 300-foot-wide swath through Washington’s North Cascade Mountains, purportedly to protect two small communities from a distant wildfire that would soon go out on its own. In...
by FSEEE | Jun 23, 2014 | Devil's Staircase
Cascadia Wildlands will be leading public hikes into the proposed Devil’s Staircase Wilderness this summer. These excursions are for the physically fit, are incredibly demanding, are mostly off-trail, and won’t necessarily go to the Devil’s Staircase...
by FSEEE | Jun 19, 2014 | Devil's Staircase
By Ancil Nance When I turned 70 years old I wanted to commemorate the passing years with some small adventure. Now, two years plus on I finally completed the hike to Devil’s Staircase waterfall. My interest was piqued when I viewed an OPB Oregon Field Guide...
by FSEEE | Nov 7, 2012 | Devil's Staircase
The Devil’s Staircase Wilderness Coalition is pleased to report that on October 27th, it led Sen. Jeff Merkley, his staff and family down to the Staircase and back safely. Sen. Merkley, along with Rep. DeFazio and Sen. Wyden, are Congressional champions of the...
by FSEEE | Nov 16, 2011 | Devil's Staircase
The Oregonian’s outdoor and travel writer featured Devil’s Staircase in yesterday’s blog. He points out that Devil’s Staircase is included in a recently-released Interior Department report on landscapes deserving special protection, noting...
by FSEEE | Nov 9, 2011 | Devil's Staircase
On Oct. 25, the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands held a public hearing on the Devil’s Staircase Wilderness Act, H.R. 1413. All testimony supported its passage. Today, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is marking-up...
by FSEEE | Jul 1, 2010 | Devil's Staircase
Here’s the key text from a Eugene Register-Guard editorial endorsing the Devil’s Staircase wilderness: Even with the addition of these public lands protections, Oregon’s wilderness inventory would still lag behind those of its Northwest neighbors....
by FSEEE | Jun 30, 2010 | Devil's Staircase
On June 21, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved the Devil’s Staircase Wilderness Act, S. 1272. Senator Wyden and his staff deserve extra kudos for patiently and expertly moving this bill forward to the Senate floor. Full Senate...
by FSEEE | Feb 18, 2010 | Devil's Staircase
We must continue to move the Devil’s Staircase bill through the Senate. It had a hearing in October. It is time for mark-up. Help us protect this coastal gem forever. Personalize and send an auto letter to Sen. Wyden now.
by FSEEE | Feb 12, 2010 | Devil's Staircase
In 2009, we made steady progress towards securing protection for Oregon’s last Coast Range wilderness. With leadership from Rep. Peter DeFazio and Sen. Ron Wyden legislation to designate 26,000 acres of amazing forests and wild streams was introduced in...