Old-Growth Logging Proposed for Tongass

Old-Growth Logging Proposed for Tongass

Forest Service officials today released a draft decision that calls for carrying out large-scale old-growth logging on Alaska’s Tongass National Forest over the next 15 years. As much as 235 million board feet of timber could be cut on Prince of Wales Island....
Feds Shelve Oil and Gas Leases—For Now

Feds Shelve Oil and Gas Leases—For Now

Faced with criticism from top Colorado officials, the Trump administration last week backed away from plans to open nearly 150,000 acres of public land in the state to oil and gas drilling. Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and Sen. Michael Bennet, both Democrats, had...
Plan Would Limit Target Shooting in Colorado

Plan Would Limit Target Shooting in Colorado

A draft decision released yesterday would prohibit recreational target shooting on 225,574 acres on the Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests in Colorado. The report follows a five-year process in which Forest Service officials worked with representatives from...
Operation Goat Lift Begins

Operation Goat Lift Begins

An operation to remove non-native mountain goats from the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state gets under way today. More than 700 goats live in the Olympic Mountains, descended from a handful released there by hunters nearly a century ago. Their numbers are...