Host a Devil’s Staircase Presentation

If you live in Oregon, be a contact person or host for a slideshow or PowerPoint presentation on the Devil’s Staircase. Help in letting more people know that this one of a kind wild gem exists and needs protection. If you belong to or know of a group, club or civic...

Upcoming hikes to Devil’s Staircase Wilderness

The Cascadia Wildlands Project will be leading more hikes into the enchanted forests of the proposed Devil’s Staircase wilderness starting in February. Note that the April 4th hike will be to the actual Devil’s Staircase waterfall whereas the other hikes will not. The...

Information on the Devil’s Staircase

By Dave and Dee Tvedt Thanks to everyone who supports protection for this one of a kind remnant wild area in the Oregon Coast Range. Almost all of the coast range has been logged. I’ve heard the statistic that only ~3% of the native forest remains there. Driving the...