by FSEEE | Jun 15, 2023 | Action Alert, Briefly, Fire Truth
Elemental is a new documentary about wildfire in the drought-prone West. Directed by Trip Jennings, the film brings together respected experts from across the board — firefighters, wildfire survivors, research ecologists, indigenous elders, fire scientists, wildlife...
by Guest Author | Jun 4, 2023 | Fire Truth, Guest Author, Science Notes
by Andy Kerr As public lands conservationists continue their fight to save the last of the mature and old-growth forests for the benefit of this and future generations, we must not forget the preforests. In 1988, fires in Yellowstone National Park caused the media to...
by FSEEE | May 30, 2023 | Fire Truth, Victories
U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen ruled in our favor in our lawsuit challenging Forest Service use of aerial fire retardant, affirming that dumping the toxic slurry into water violates the Clean Water Act and that the Forest Service must acquire a Clean Water Act...
by Joe Stone | May 25, 2023 | Fire Truth, In Depth
How a Community Planning Project Spawned a Forest Health Collaborative Christopher Ketcham’s guest column in the Fall 2022 edition of Forest News struck a chord with me. Ketcham’s column, excerpted from his book, This Land, reveals how forest health collaboratives...
by Andy Stahl | May 20, 2023 | Fire Truth, Sound Off
With “water, water, everywhere,” the Forest Service still cannot rid itself of the fire retardant albatross around its neck. Ten years ago, in a study commissioned by the Forest Service, the Rand Corporation published Air Attack Against Wildfires: Understanding U.S....