Small-Town Newspaper Gets It Right

Small-Town Newspaper Gets It Right

A pitched battle is underway over how to interpret this summer’s wildfires on federal lands, which wafted thick layers of smoke into urbanized areas around the West. How that battle ends will have serious implications for how our public lands are managed in the years...
Activists Outline Science of Wildfires to Senate

Activists Outline Science of Wildfires to Senate

This has been a notable year for wildfires, with smoke clogging urban areas of the West and the federal government spending well over $2 billion trying to stop the flames. Homes—and lives—have been lost. As the fires burned, a narrative galvanized: Decades of fire...
Videos Show Aftermath of “Catastrophic” Wildfire

Videos Show Aftermath of “Catastrophic” Wildfire

On September 26, federal firefighting managers boarded a helicopter and embarked on a flyover of the Chetco Bar Fire in southwestern Oregon, which at one point this summer was considered the top-priority wildfire in the nation. The fire, which burned nearly 200,000...