by FSEEE | May 25, 2021 | FSEEE in the News, Sound Off
The Statesman Journal in Salem, Oregon, recently published an editorial by FSEEE Executive Director Andy Stahl, in which he takes the Forest Service to task for closing large portions of many national forests following forest fires. “According to the Forest...
by FSEEE | Apr 30, 2021 | FSEEE in the News, Sound Off
The Salem Statesman Journal reports that a unique culinary opportunity is being thwarted by forest managers in Oregon. Morel mushrooms, specifically fire morels, are known for their prolific production following wildfires like last year’s Labor Day fires....
by FSEEE | Oct 22, 2018 | Sound Off
Do facts matter at all? Last week, during a cabinet meeting, President Trump lambasted California officials for leaving the state’s forest “a mess.” He said that “California ought to get its act together and clean up their forests.” He accused them of leaving “old...
by FSEEE | Aug 1, 2018 | Sound Off
For a clear-eyed analysis of the threats to our national forests posed by disastrous provisions in the House version of the 2018 Farm Bill, check out this op-ed, published today on the news website, The Hill. The piece is penned by Jerry Franklin and Norm Christensen,...
by FSEEE | Jul 25, 2018 | Sound Off
A big thumbs up to Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio, who yesterday introduced legislation that would protect one of the most remote slices of the state’s coastal mountains from logging, mining and other development. DeFazio’s bill would designate more than 30,000 acres of...