Cascadia Wildlands will be leading public hikes into the proposed Devil’s Staircase Wilderness this summer. These excursions are for the physically fit, are incredibly demanding, are mostly off-trail, and won’t necessarily go to the Devil’s Staircase waterfall. Join and find out why this swath of proposed wilderness in the Oregon Coast Range is so compelling.

The hikes have been set for Saturday, July 26 and Saturday August 9, 2014 and will be led by experienced Cascadia Wildlands hike leader, Cameron Derbyshire.

Each hike is limited to 12 people. Hikes leave from FedEx Office’s back parking lot in Eugene — Thirtheenth and Willamette St. — at 8:00 am and will return at approximate 6:30 pm. Bring hiking boots, two quarts of water, rubber-palmed gardening gloves to protect against all things thorny, lunch, snacks, rain gear, and appropriate hiking attire. If you take a high-quality camera, please email us some of your winner shots for publicity use.

Please let Cameron know if you are able to drive your vehicle to assist with the carpool. We encourage hikers to chip in for gas. For a teaser of this area, please visit our shared Facebook page for an album shot in June 2012.
