Oregon Field Guide Video

Last night, Oregon Public Broadcasting’s Oregon Field Guide aired its epic trek into Devil’s Staircase. Cascadia Wildlands led the expedition. Kudos to all for finding the Staircase and getting everyone back safely!

Progress in the House

On October 28, the House Natural Resources Committee marked-up and passed the Devil’s Staircase Wilderness Bill, H.R. 2888. The bill now goes to the House floor where it will be voted on next year. Three new House co-sponsors have signed on in support of...

Umpqua Wilderness Conference

One of the Devil’s Staircase Coalition members, Umpqua Watersheds, is hosting a wilderness conference that includes Devil’s Staircase information and a hike into the area the next day. Saturday, Nov 7, 9-3:30 in Roseburg, Oregon.

Forest Service/BLM Endorse Bill

by Andy Stahl I admit that Washington, D.C., is not my favorite place to visit. But yesterday was special. The House Natural Resources Committee hearing on Peter’s Devil’s Staircase Wilderness bill (HR 2888) could not have gone any better. Bureau of Land...

House Natural Resources Hearing

I’m camped outside Peter DeFazio’s office — it opens at 9 a.m. — going over my testimony for today’s hearing. Read it belo. — Andy Stahl. Congressional testimony of Andy Stahl, Executive Director, Forest Service Employees for...

Explore Devil’s Staircase This Summer

Cascadia Wildlands will be guiding a series of hikes to the proposed Devil’s Staircase Wilderness this summer. The hikes will explore various parts of the proposed wilderness and won’t necessarily go to the Devil’s Staircase itself. Cascadia...

Devil’s Staircase Wilderness Bills!

Today, June 16, Rep. DeFazio, D-Ore, and Sen. Wyden, D-Ore, introduced companion bills, H.R. 2888 and S. 1272, designating the 29,650-acre Devil’s Staircase Wilderness. The bills also protect Franklin and Wasson Creeks as Wild Rivers. The bills will be referred...